OpenRail Designer Help

Create WorkSpace Dialog

Used to create a new WorkSpace.
You can open this dialog from the following:
  • Work page: Click WorkSpace and from the drop-down, select Create WorkSpace.
Name Enter the name of the WorkSpace.
Description Enter description for the WorkSpace.
Root Folder Sets the path for the root WorkSpace folder. Defines the _USTN_WORKSPACEROOT configuration variable. Clicking the Browse button next to the setting opens the Browse For Folder dialog from which you can select the root folder.
WorkSets Folder Sets the path for the WorkSets folder. Defines the _USTN_WORKSETSROOT configuration variable. Clicking the Browse button next to the setting opens the Browse For Folder dialog from which you can select the WorkSets folder.
Standards Folder Sets the path where dgnlib, cell, and other standard files for the WorkSet will be stored. Defines the _USTN_WORKSPACESTANDARDS configuration variable. Clicking the Browse button next to the setting opens the Browse For Folder dialog from which you can select the Standards folder.
Standards Subfolders Enter the subfolder names that you want to create in the Standards folder. This is the location defined by the Standards folder above. Multiple folder names should be separated by a comma or semicolon. Uses the _USTN_WORKSPACESTANDARDSUBDIRS configuration variable.